Our Mission is to collaborate with people of Gondar to develop sustainable solutions and promote cultural awareness, respect, understanding, and friendships.
What We Do
Announcing: Gondar Council’s “WALK FOR WATER ETHIOPIA” to Support Access to Clean Water
Details Coming Soon
Saturday, May 18, 2024 —Click Here for more information and for registration!

Education: Impacting Schools and Increasing Literacy and Learning
To achieve the above outcome, we are currently busy in the following activities:
- Creating School to School Exchanges
- Sending “Books for Gondar” to local and rural schools supported with teacher training
- Supporting a Donkey Library to rural areas
- Launching New Projects: Toilets, Playground Equipment, Books for Middle schools
- Past Projects: constructing a kindergarten, adding a computer classroom, conducting teacher trainings, creating educational resource rooms

Water: Supporting Water Resources and Sustainability
Since 2010, constructing wells and developing springs have resulted in 2700 households (an estimated 16,800 individuals) having access to clean water. To sustain this effort, we are now focusing on assessing these working conditions of these wells and springs for long-term sustainability practices.

Latest News and Events
Walk for Water 2024
Saturday, May 18, 2024 (9:00 am-1:00pm) Benton County Fairgrounds
Virtual Ethiopian Cooking Class
Announcing (Virtual) Ethiopian Cooking Class: Saturday, October 21-----3:00-5:00 pm Learn to Cook an authentic Ethiopian meal from the convenience of your own home Online Registration Deadline: Sunday October 8
Holiday Giving Campaign: School and Donkey Libraries
This year's Holiday Campaign: Supporting school and donkey libraries
CSCA-Gondar Council’s Newsletters
Keep current with what we are doing both here in Corvallis and in Gondar, our sister city. Recipients of our quarterly newsletters are sent to members and friends who have attended our events.