About Us – Our Story
History of CSCA – Gondar

The initiative to develop a sister city relationship with Gondar originated with a City of Corvallis staff member, Robel Tadesse, who has an Ethiopian heritage and was raised in the Gondar region. He envisioned a partnership between interested community volunteers in Corvallis and a governmental authority in Ethiopia and decided to pursue the idea of a sister city.
Recognizing the interest by the United States government in the development of Ethiopia, interested individuals sought grant funding opportunities through a partnership among Sister Cities International, the International City Managers Association (ICMA), and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
As a result, the Corvallis City Council approved a second Sister City partnership with Gondar, Ethiopia in April, 2005. Uzhhorod, Ukraine had already gained sister city status many years before in 1991.
The Corvallis Sister City Association-Gondar (CSCA-G) has elected a Council of Advisors accountable to the CSCA Board of Directors. The work of the Gondar Council of Advisors answers directly to the CSCA Board of Directors.
The CSCA-Gondar Council oversees the work and efforts of our members, who have consistently traveled to Gondar since 2006 as part of a delegation. These delegate-volunteers travel at their own expense, working on addressing issues related to three specific needs: 1) increasing access to clean water, 2) facilitating educational change and effectiveness, and 3) enhancing cultural awareness and improved relationships.
Help us increase our work in Ethiopia by donating today.
Gondar Council of Advisors
The CSCA-Gondar’s overall operations are managed by its Council of Advisors and is answerable to the CSCA Board of Directors.
The Council meets monthly and is comprised of the following:
Chair of the Gondar Council: Patty Harris
Vice-Chair: Robel Tadesse
Treasurer: Richard Raymond
Secretary: Bart Pierce
At-Large: Ari-Grossman- Naples, Maxine Prickel, Karen Sundseth, Rebekah Miller, Richard Cuenca, and Sarah Rothenberg
Web Design and Development: Josh Armentano, Abidewebdesign.com with web management: Robel Tadsesse
Social Media Team Members: Patty Harris, Ari Grossman-Naples
Announcing Gondar’s City Administrators:
Zewdu Malede Belay, Mayor of Gondar City
Bayouh Abuhay Kibret, Deputy Mayor of Gondar City